Hi, I am Ole Petersen
I am an ambitious student with a passion for software, scientific computing, simulation, aerospace, math and game theory.
Master of Science in Computational Science and Engineering
2023-10 - 2025-10, Technical University of Munich
Bachelor of Science in Engineering Science
2020-10 - 2023-10, Technical University of Munich
Term abroad
2022-09 - 2023-01, University of Exeter
Working Student
2020-09 - 2023-09, QAware
2017-01 - 2020-09, Tuition in Mathematics, Physics, IT and English
2018-01 - 2018-02, DLR Braunschweig
Honors program participant
2024-04, Bavarian Graduate School of Computational Engineering
relAI scholarship holder
2023-10, DAAD/Konrad Zuse School of Excellence in Reliable AI
Check24 GenDev Scholarship holder
2023-06, Check24
Deutschlandstipendium holder
2021-09, TUM
Awarded scholarship for academic excellence and social commitment
Awardee of the final run of the 38th BWInf
2020-09, Bundeswettbewerb Informatik
National mathematics Olympiad Germany
2020-06, Mathematik-Olympiaden e.V.
National mathematics Olympiad Germany
2018-06, Mathematik-Olympiaden e.V.
Jugend trainiert Mathematik
2014, Bundesweite Mathematikwettbewerbe
2023-04 - now, Studierendenwerk München
2021-02 - 2023-09, TUM
Voluntary tutor in old school
2020-05 - 2020-06, Gymnasium Mainz-Oberstadt
Voluntary support of mathematics and IT courses in my old school, helping out to overcome the difficulties of covid restrictions
Jury member
2020-11 - now, Bundeswettbewerb Informatik